Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Necessity for Life

     Have you ever been annoyed at the amount of time it takes for your water to become hot? If we're truly honest, we've probably almost all felt this at some point in our lives. However, have we ever taken a moment to be thankful that we have hot water? Or even water at all! What a blessing it is to have water at our fingertips. Hot water is not something that is very common here in Bolivia (and several countries around the world). For the past week there has been an issue with the water in the place where I am living...issue as in it's about a 50/50 if any water will come out of the faucet or if the toilet will flush (the kitchen sink is completely outie right now-not quite sure why, but it's currently a no-go). Through all of this and my other experiences here, I've become so much more aware of the importance, necessity, and blessing of clean water. I feel like in a very minuscule way, I have been able to empathize with the multitude of people all around the world who have no water (again, I don't truly know what this is like, but I feel like the Lord has showed me a slight, slight, glimpse of this).

     A new friend I met here is working with a ministry in Bolivia that drills wells for people in villages that have no clean water. What a sweet, and significant ministry that is! Their lives are changed by the drilling of a well, and the experience of a life-giving, life-sustaining, clean water source! As I think further about all of these things, I am reminded of Jesus who is the source of TRUE LIFE. I am reminded of the words of Jesus in John 4 as he tells the Samaritan woman,
 " 'Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.' " (John 4:13-14). I do not think that Jesus used this analogy on accident, actually I know He didn't! Water is vital for life. It is essential. It satisfies. It quenches. It cleanses. But only through Christ can we drink and never thirst again.

How thankful I am for His grace, mercy, and love. Thankful that I am able to drink the water He gives!

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